Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A day in the life

So - yesterday I managed to miss my department induction. Because, you know, I'm a flake. I've been TRYING to not be a flake. I emailed people to ask for the information. I looked around the web. I sent out a desperate plea on my college Facebook group, and now everyone knows me as "that women's studies major who couldn't find a friend."

So I missed it.

The head of the department kindly agreed to meet with me today. After scaring the living daylights out of me explaining how the system works, she somehow ended up hooking me up with another girl from the department; we ended up running (literally) across Oxford to see if we could get to the English department induction because.... wait for it....
There's no actual thing as a women's studies department.
We don't have a library. Or informational events (besides, of course, the one I missed)


We met up with a third women's studies girl at the English department thing, and had to frantically look through the schedules of events for history, classics, english, philosophy, and modern languages to try to piece together which of their lectures we should go to to get our information about things like signing on to the databases and using libraries and stuff. Every time we figured out that one lecture might be useful, we were already late for it.

There was running. Lots of running. It was like being in an episode of Doctor Who. The David Tennant years.

And apologizing (apologising?) for being late.

Somewhere along the line I registered myself at the English library (after getting yelled at for talking too loud) and the philosophy library.

I sat through a three-hour session with the theology department on using the online library resources.

I honestly don't even remember what else I did during the day because it was a BLUR.
At some point, I think I ate a chicken curry sandwich.

These girls are 21, energetic, and confident. I just followed along being intimidated by their British accents and cute haircuts. I sound so clunky when I speak.

I don't know if I belong here.

Also, I tried to change my curtains and now it looks like I have sheets hanging in my windows.

I just can't win today.

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