I borrowed this idea from my friend's blog. She's a great writer and SUPER interesting. Plus she always finishes her posts with little writing ideas that I'll probably be borrowing from extensively, as I write better when I'm assigned a topic. Such a good little student.
1. Serve from the Stove:
Well, I’m cooking for one these days, so this one kind of goes without saying. I also put the leftovers into Tupperware and into the fridge at the same time I serve myself, so I’m not tempted to go back for seconds. Go me!
2. Eat something sweet at your large breakfast.—they say “Embrace breakfast dessert.”
Hm… I don’t have much of a sweet tooth, and I’ve decided to stop buying chocolate cookies biscuits since I tend to eat them in multiples of multiples, so I guess I’ll skip this one.
3. Buy an outfit in your healthiest size and hang it on the door.
Eh. I honestly can’t say that I know what my “healthiest” size is. I recently gained a bunch of weight that took me from the lower side of the “healthy” weight range for my height to smack-dab in the middle for my height. Am I technically “healthier” now, even though I gained the weight by drinking beer and being lazy?
Besides, my mom stole all the jeans I outgrew and the rest I left in the US, so all of the clothes that I have with me fit me now.
4. Fast forward through commercials.
I don’t have a tv (not being snotty. Just living in a dorm in another country).
5. Buy junk food for your family and watch them eat it instead of you.
No family. Plus, I don’t get what the point of this one is. To feel self-righteous? To torture yourself? To make yourself feel thinner because they gain weight?
6. Clench your fist when you have a food craving. Do it for 30 seconds.
Um…. I don’t know what to do with that one. Usually when I’m having a food craving, I’m not thinking “how can I quell this food craving?” I’m thinking “HOW DO I GET CARBS NOW”.
7.“After a sweet treat, eat half a slice of deli turkey to keep you from wanting more.”
I get the concept – I’ve heard a similar thing with brushing your teeth right after eating. Although I wonder if the added bit of protein helps to stabilize your blood sugar a bit.
Either way, no sweet tooth.
8. “Lose one pound twenty times”—be proud of each one.
I get the concept. But A) I don’t have a scale and B) if I did it would be in kilograms so I would have NO idea what was going on.
9. Buy more vegetables and less treats.
I’ve been working on that. My grocery bags tonight were full of various vegetables. And no treats. Which is kind of sad. I need to work on finding treats that I won’t eat 1000 calories of in a sitting.
10. Downsize your plate
I do that! …when I use a plate, that is. And the bowl in which I serve myself most of my meals is huge. Fail.
11. Soup it up—Eat vegetable soup first.
But I only like soup with buttered bread. So no.
12. Don’t overdo Healthy Foods
Good call – too much fiber gives you gas.
13. Oil your bread
“Put olive oil on your bread (instead of butter) and you’ll eat less! So says a 2003 study.”
Obviously you’ve never seen the carnage that ensues when I’m left to my own devices with a baguette and some olive oil. I will probably eat a LOT more, because when I use butter I’m like, oh, cholesterol, I’ll just have one or two pieces of bread, but with olive oil I’m like “GOOD FATS NOM NOM.”
14. Work out with songs that have 180 beats per minute.
“Work out”?
15. Visualize your new body.
It’s not a “new body.” It’s the same body with a couple less pounds and / or a little more muscle, ideally.
16. Get active early.
That one I can get behind. I used to go to the gym before work (who WAS I???) and it worked great for me. You’re halfway through your run before you even really wake up, and then you feel totally justified doing nothing for the rest of the day.
17. Cut back on meat.
Done. Now that I’m cooking for myself and not eating out, I’m pretty much vegetarian.
18. Eat apple peels.
Done! I’ve been cooking apples, since I don’t really like eating raw fruit or veggies, and they’re good with some weetabix crumbled on top.
19. Hide the chocolate.
Yeah, that’s this week’s goal. Although instead of “hiding” it I’m just not buying it.
20. Distract yourself.
Very hard to do when the only real thing to do to “distract yourself” is do reading for class, which is something that I look for distraction FROM… often by snacking or drinking even more horrible instant coffee.
21. Slow down.
Like, take a nap? If you say so, health dot com!
22. Eat fiber and protein at meals.
So… no more loaves of bread with olive oil? You’re sending mixed messages, health dot com.
Ok, ok, fine. I’ve been eating TONS of veggies, baked beans for breakfast, and recently cooked with tofu and Quorn chicken. I could probably get more protein, but whatever – that’s what sausage rolls are for (right?).
23. Breathe
Shut up.
24. Use more vinegar.
I’m in England. That will just make me crave fries chips.
25. Find an Audience.
Blog about it? Probably not. As we know, I’m not down with the whole weight loss culture. I’m technically not even trying to lose weight. Just eating healthier and moving more. If I do lose weight, then that means the weight I had put on was indeed unhealthy. If I don’t, that just means that this is where my body is supposed to be right now.
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