Wednesday, September 26, 2012

UK Tip of the day

Something I have noticed since being in England:

My skin is very, very dry.

So dry that I've had to borrow my mom's face and body moisturizers almost every day, and I'm glopping my Rosebud Salve on my cuticles like there's no tomorrow.

Even though I never, EVER use moisturizer.

(Yes, I know, I'm ALWAYS supposed to use moisturizer even though I'm pretty sure my forehead could singlehandedly end our dependence on foreign oil).

I don't know if it's because summer is turning into fall, and the change of seasons can do weird things to a body (sniffles, sore throats, etc.).

I'm tending to blame it on the water, as I think this is what's called "hard" water.

So anyway

my point is

even if you don't usually use any moisturizer, you might want to pick some up just in case.

And if you do, maybe spring for something thicker and more hardcore.

I, for one, will be heading to Boots to look for a gentler face wash (even though it will be hard for me to buy something WITHOUT salicylic acid) and an oil-free, light moisturizer. If I'm feeling indulgent, I may also treat myself to something luxurious from the Lush on Cornmarket.

Anyone else having this problem?

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